Your land, our field

We’ve been helping local cantabrians develop their land since 1957, and we set up this specialist division of Survus to tailor to the specific needs of our local rural landowners. With our 65 years of experience we are the best townies for rural surveying.

What do you need?

We’ll help navigate the regulatory fine print.
Not sure? Click to chat with us now.

Specialists In Rural Subdivisions

Case Studies

Let us tell you about Roger.

Roger farms the family farm in North Canterbury, which is made up of five titles totaling just under 750ha (1850acres) on a mixture of flats and rolling downlands largely grazed by sheep and cattle, with feed crops grown on the areas that are irrigated.

Why Choose us?

We really believe local knowledge & experience makes the difference.
We’ve been working the local land, like you, for generations. We’ve watched the shape of our community grow over the years and love helping locals to free up equity or preserve land for future generations.

We are passionate about the rural community, and make it our business to ensure we work around you and your agri-business enterprise. Our highly experienced and trusted team work with you to achieve the best results, thinking outside the box to bring you exactly what you want.
We work with a strong and knowledgeable network of rural property partners who can bring a range of services to each project as required, including:

  • Valuers

  • Real estate agents

  • Farm & Forestry consultants

  • Viticultural consultants

  • Flood & Environmental engineers

  • Well drillers

  • Irrigation consultants

  • Water system designers and engineers

  • Earthworks and construction contractors

  • Agri-business lawyers & RMA lawyers

  • Rural accountants and financial advisers whose expertise will ensure your project runs smoothly and your objectives are met and you get the outcome anticipated within the timeframes proposed.

Have a yarn with us today

Find out how we could help develop your land

Have a yarn with us today

Find out how we could help develop your land